
A Shared Mission of Healing

Grand Rounds: David Carl “Healthy & Unhealthy Religious Ideas”

Oct 14, 2021 | FaithHealth Grand Rounds


Division of FaithHealth Grand Rounds


David Carl

October 27 from 9 – 10 am


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Meeting ID: 363 781 8917


Please join us for our next FaithHealth Grand Rounds when we look forward to hearing from our Atrium Legacy colleague, Chaplain David Carl, on the topic of “Healthy and Unhealthy Religious Ideas”. David Carl, MDiv, BCC, is the Executive Director, Spiritual Care and Education, as well as AVP of Patient Experience at Atrium Health.

Chaplain Carl was hired initially by Atrium Health (then Carolinas)  in January 1989 to be the department administrator. He holds a bachelor’s degree from Randolph Macon College and a Master of Divinity degree from Drew Theological School. His nine-year clinical background and ministry at St. ElizabethsHospital in Washington, D.C. gave him a particular sensitivity and love for working with the mentally ill. David came to Charlotte after founding the Department of Pastoral Care at Cabell Huntington Hospital, Huntington, W.Va., where he served as Director for six years and also served as Adjunct Professor at the Marshall Medical School. These experiences helped to shape his creativity, appreciation for spiritual care and education, and his administrative abilities.

He is also an ordained Elder in the United Methodist Church and has a particularly strong belief that all faiths deserve respect. He is a Certified Educator with the Association for Clinical Pastoral Education and is also a Board Certified Chaplain with the Association of Professional Chaplains. David is known nationally as a speaker and leader in faith and health. In 1998 David received the prestigious Anton T. Boisen Award from the Association of Mental Health Clergy for his devoted ministry and creative leadership in the field of religion and mental health. For over 3 decades he served on the Institutional Review Board. Currently David serves as an Ethics Consultant on the Hospital Ethics Committee, as a member of the Atrium Health Diversity and Inclusion Council, and Co-Chair of the Atrium Health Patient Experience Healing Environments Committee. In addition he is an instructor for the Atrium Health’s New Teammate Orientation program as well as New Physician and APP Orientation. In recent years. David has led the Atrium Health Code Lavender Program spread to address teammate stress, Compassion Fatigue, and Burnout. And in 2019 David was honored as an Atrium Health Pinnacle Award Recipient.

We look forward to learning from David’s deep experience in the field, so hoping you can join us for what should be an illuminating presentation and discussion.


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