
A Shared Mission of Healing

Faith Community Nurses

A specialized practice of professional nursing that focuses on the intentional care of the spirit as part of the process of promoting holistic health and preventing or minimizing illness in a faith community

Places of worship are ideal environments for promoting wholistic health. Health ministry can bridge faith and medicine to promote health and wholeness of mind, body and spirit for individuals, congregations and the community.

Faith Community Nurse

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Faith Community Nurse

Article: Faith Community Nurse Laura Tolbert

On one average day, Tolbert followed up on a patient, set therapy and primary care appointments, arranged substance use and trauma group meetings, helped a relapsed guest get back on track with his sobriety, handled a medication issue, counseled a patient about blood sugars, called the Social Security office for a guest, persuaded the pharmacy to deliver prescriptions, straightened out a referral problem, found a computer lab resource for a woman working on her resume, and prayed with someone panicked and overwhelmed by poverty to receive peace, guidance and to feel God’s presence and comfort.

Grand Rounds Video: Faith Community Health Ministry, Pam Hurley