
A Shared Mission of Healing

Know anyone who needs a Valid Photo ID?

Mar 20, 2017 | FaithHealth Community, FaithHealth Events, FaithHealth Resources

Friday, March 31

Iglesia, Cristiana Sin Fronteras, 5490 Shattalon Dr., Winston-Salem NC

Doors open at 9 am and participants must attend a mandatory orientation at either 10 am or 1 pm. Please arrive Early!

The FaithAction ID is for any resident who may have limited access to government issued forms of identification, and for those who support the mission of FaithAction — turning strangers into neighbors. It is not a government issued form of ID or a driver’s license, but it is a verifiable form of identification that says you are a part of our community. It can be used by law enforcement to better identify, serve, and wrote t you, and may be accepted by health centers, schools, businesses, and other city agencies — spending on the policy of each institution.

The Process

  1. Please wait patiently in line, and once doors open receive a number and other necessary documents.
  2. Listen to the mandatory orientation, where we’ll explain the benefits and limitations of the ID card, then engage in valuable dialogue with law enforcement and other community partners.
  3. We will review your required documents, the input your information into our ID database and take your picture.
  4. We will double check, print, and send your ID to your current address within two weeks.

For more information, please call Hispanic League: 336-770-1228.


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